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Informatique, News

What is .NET Framework and core? 

NET Framework is a platform for . NET applications on Windows whereas, NET Core is the latest version of the . NET Framework which is a cross-platform and open-source framework optimized for modern app needs and developer workflows. D’abord, What is .NET Core framework used...
Informatique, News

Should I learn .NET or .NET Core? 

As far as the modern Web Development are is concerned, without any doubt . NET Core should be your choice over . NET Framework. The main question is which part of the framework you should start learning depends on the sort of web app you’re...
Informatique, News

Should I learn .NET Framework or .NET Core? 

As far as the modern Web Development are is concerned, without any doubt . NET Core should be your choice over . NET Framework. The main question is which part of the framework you should start learning depends on the sort of web app you’re...