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Informatique, News

How do I put a GIF in a text? 

How to Text a GIF On the GIPHY mobile app, tap on the GIF that you’d like to share. Get the GIPHY App! Tap on the Text Message button. Your GIF will automatically appear in the Message app on your iPhone or Android. Hit send...
Informatique, News

How do I send an animated message on my iPhone? 

Use full-screen effects to animate the message screen. In a new or existing conversation, type a message or insert a photo or Memoji. Touch and hold. , then tap Screen. Swipe left to preview different screen effects. Tap to send the message or. to cancel....
Informatique, News

How do I enable GIF messaging on iPhone? 

Here’s how: Open Messages, tap. , and enter a contact or tap an existing conversation. Tap. . To search for a specific GIF, tap Find images, then enter a keyword, like birthday. Tap the GIF to add it to your message. Tap. to send. D’abord,...