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Informatique, News

Will PS5 play PS4 games in 4K? 

Game can be played at 60 frames-per-second on PS5 at dynamic 4K resolution. On PS4 and PS4 Pro, the game is capped at 30fps in both 1080p and dynamic 4K modes. Runs at 4K, 60 frames-per-second on PS5. D’abord, Why do PS4 games look better…

Informatique, News

Is PS5 as good as PC? 

In 2022, we’d recommend most people seek out a PS5. It’ll save you a lot of money, and you’ll get an excellent gaming experience for years to come. If you don’t mind spending more upfront, though, PC is a much more flexible platform that allows…

Informatique, News

Is PS5 more powerful than PS4 Pro? 

The PS5 is Sony’s newest console, replacing the PS4 Pro as its most powerful gaming system. It boasts a better CPU, GPU, and an internal NVMe SSD, making the PS5 a faster and more capable console. D’abord, Is there a big difference between PS4 and…