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Informatique, News

What is this aspect ratio? 

Simply put, the aspect ratio is the ratio of width and height, in which the width is usually the first number and the height is the second number. A 16:9 display could be 16 inches long and 9 inches high, or 32 inches long and…

Informatique, News

Why is Zack Snyder’s Justice League different? 

The Snyder cut is literally darker than the original, particularly when it comes to the film’s third act. Furthermore, some of the jokes were cut or toned down. The Snyder cut’s general atmosphere is also gloomier, marked by people who don’t smile and increased mourning…

Informatique, News

Is Snyder Cut 4 hours? 

Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ Delivers Original Directorial Vision in 4-Hour Feature. “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” is the culmination of a multi-year fan campaign to release the near-mythical “Snyder Cut” of the 2017 movie “Justice League,” which fans met with poor reviews. Ainsi, Why Snyder Cut…

Informatique, News

Why Snyder Cut is square? 

Back to Square One for Justice League A big part of Snyder’s remaking/remodeling of Justice League involved restoring the original film squares that were composed in a 1.33:1 aspect ratio. So the « TL;DR » answer to why Justice League is « square » now is that it’s because…