This is the most important choice in Life is Strange, but the only correct option is to pick whichever ending players feel is right. Although sacrificing the whole of Arcadia Bay just for Chloe might seem like the « bad » ending, Episode 5 makes a compelling case for why both options are viable.

Ainsi, What happens if you save Arcadia Bay?

Consequence Of Sacrificing Arcadia Bay

If you choose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay, Max rips up the picture and stands beside Chloe to watch the hurricane. The storm destroys Arcadia Bay, turning most of the buildings into rubble. And in Life Is Strange 2, David Madsen reveals that nearly all of the residents die.

Par ailleurs, Can you stop Jefferson from killing Chloe? And how could I prevent it? You can’t prevent her death. It’s the same for everyone, whatever choices you make.

How do you get the secret ending in Life is Strange? In order for you to obtain the secret ending, Rachel needs to know everything that has happened between Chloe and Sera. Therefore, you must tell her the truth. Also, the only way of obtaining It is by telling Rachel the truth. It cannot be done by lying to her.

Why is Chloe paralyzed Life is Strange?

The childhood friend of Maxine Caulfield, Chloe lived a life undistributed by the death of her father, but still relative lost touch with her friend. At some point in 2010, she was involved in a car accident that left her paralyzed and under constant supervision.

Is David in Life is Strange 2?

David N. Madsen is a supporting character in Life is Strange 2’s fifth episode, Wolves, returning three years after the events of the first Life is Strange.

Is Life is Strange 1 and 2 connected?

Although the sequel to Life is Strange takes place after the events of the first game, it is not a direct sequel. Life is Strange 2 revolves around the brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz, who decide to flee from their hometown Seattle after a terrible accident.

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Is Life is Strange 2 GOOD?

In its maturity, Life is Strange 2 is definitely a product of its time. The issues of police brutality, immigration, and racism are incredibly relevant to the world we are living in today. The creators took some risks with such major topics, but they pay off.

Should I hug or kiss Warren?

The last decision is related to showing your affection to Warren. You can kiss him, hug him or leave without doing anything. Warren nearly tells Chloe about his feelings. … As a result of kissing Warren you may not have the opportunity to kiss Chloe towards the end of the game, if Max chooses to save the city.

Should I warn Victoria or not?

Should You Warn Victoria in Life is Strange? Without spoiling anything major, no, players should not warn Victoria about the Dark Room. Doing so will actually put her in danger, so it’s best to avoid telling her in order to see the best for the character.

What happens if you warn Victoria?

You will have to decide whether you warn Victoria from what you have seen or you ignore it and not tell her anything. If, in chapter 1, you comforted Victoria and you did not tell her you heard her conversation with Jefferson, she will be inclined to believe you.

Is Lis true colors out?

It was released on 10 September 2021 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Stadia and was released for the Nintendo Switch on 7 December 2021.

Life Is Strange: True Colors
Mode(s) Single-player

Can Chloe and Max get together?

Max and Chloe have formed a new life together in Seattle. Max’s parents helped Chloe get an internship as a mechanic, and the two have developed a friendship circle in Dex, Dwight, Pixie, and Tammi – collectively the band The High Seas.

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What episode does Max kiss Chloe?

Episode 5 Chloe & Max Kiss (spoilers) :: Life is Strange™ Allgemeine Diskussionen.

Does Rachel Amber have powers?

Rachel didn’t have powers until she met Chloe, that we know of. And Max didn’t have powers until Chloe was shot in front of her. Maybe Chloe is the person who passes on the power; her prophetic dreams do hint at something larger happening with her.

Can you save chloes dad?

How do I stop William from taking my car?

Max decides that she has to stop William from taking his car in order to keep him alive. In order to do so, Max first has to watch William pick up his keys from under a hat on the living room table. After this, Max must rewind and hide the keys somewhere that William’s remote beeper cannot help him find them.

Is Chloe and Max alive in Life is Strange 2?

Chloe Price – Max abandoned her childhood best friend when she moved to Seattle shortly after Chloe’s father died. … It is clear from Life is Strange 2 that, if Arcadia Bay was sacrificed, Chloe and Max continue to be there for one another.

What is Madsen password?

The password is the date of David and Joyce meeting in the Two Whales Diner, where they likely fall in love with each other. They met on November 27, 2008. This can be observed from a receipt of the diner with a note from Joyce on the back, which is hidden under the sun visor of David’s car.

When did Max and Chloe meet?

In 2008, the girls were having secret « wine-tasting sessions » at Chloe’s house, one of which is remembered by Max when she visits Chloe’s house for the first time in five years.