That’s because she and the monster are one and the same. We wouldn’t say she’s controlling it, but it’s very obvious that Eleven created it and they are linked during the entire series. These two are just two sides of the same coin, meaning Eleven is the Demogorgon.

Aussi, Why does the demogorgon want Eleven?

Getting back to the question at hand, I think it’s pretty obvious why the Mind Flayer wants to kill Eleven. The monster wants revenge after Eleven stopped its spread into our world. It was clearly displayed in season 2 that the Upside Down and its inhabitants harbor a grudge against Will for escaping in season 1.

Toutefois, Where are the Demogorgons eyes? The Demogorgon doesn’t have eyes as far as can physically be seen, so it relies heavily on its smell and hearing to detect the world around it.

En particulier Are Demodogs real? Well, it turns out they’re the same creature, just at different stages of growth. Yes, you read that right–a Demodog is just a teenage Demogorgon. The main difference between a Demodog and a Demogorgon is simply that the Demodog is younger and not fully grown.

Did 11 create the upside down?

The origins of the Upside Down are unknown, and it was discovered by the scientists at Hawkins Lab when Eleven made contact with the Demogorgon while in the Void as seen in Stranger Things season 1. This encounter opened a gate to the Upside Down, allowing the creature to step into the human world.

What was the demogorgon eating?

Background. The Demogorgon was feeding off an egg in the moment before Eleven made psychic contact with it.

How is the demogorgon still alive?

The demogorgon — or at least, a demogorgon — made a surprise appearance during the season’s post-credit scene. This demogoron is being held in the depths of a Soviet facility in Kamchatka, Russia, presumably being fed wailing prisoners every so often to be kept alive.

How did the demogorgon unlock the door?

“Does the Demogorgon have powers? He unlocks the door just like Eleven does!” The Demogorgon does indeed display telekinetic abilities along the lines of Eleven’s, opening a lock mechanism to get to Will.

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What’s a Demogorgons weakness?

They constantly war with one another. Other than that Int saves are only +5 and at high levels that is a pretty big weakness ;). It takes normal damage from magic weapons, acid, force, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and thunder damage.

What is the shadow Monster?

The Mind Flayer, aka the Shadow Monster, is the Big Bad Wolf of Stranger Things 2, and it can psychically control people and other monsters. The Demogorgon, also terrifying, was more like a wild animal accidentally let loose in Hawkins.

How do Demogorgons reproduce?

In the only cases of Demogorgon reproduction observed, the cycle began with the deposition of eggs or larvae within a host by a tentacle within the Upside Down. The slug-like larvae later were vomited up by the host, and subsequently escaped into the wild.

What was the slug will coughed up?

Stage One: Slug

Will Byers: Will was found in the Upside Down with a tendril extending down his throat following his capture by the original Demogorgon (see Stage Six below). A month after returning home, Will coughed up a larva and washed it down his bathroom sink drain.

How is the Mind Flayer still alive?

The part of the Mind Flayer remained dormant until it was reawakened in 1985 by the Hawkins Key. It then began flaying multiple humans and rats, feeding them chemicals, and melting their bodies into puddles of biomass that would be used to create a new body for itself to take over the world.

Why does will throw up a slug?

Moreover, if this really is what is going on, Will’s quiet barf up of tummy slugs in the sink means he’s been infecting the town’s entire sewage system with baby Thessalhydras. Someone ready the fireballs and hope we roll a 13 or higher.

How does Will talk through the lights?

Some have taken Eleven’s psychic abilities as a basis to explain how Will communicated through the lights. When she enters the void to find and communicate with others, the lights begin to flicker, meaning that her psychic powers have some effect on electromagnetic devices and light itself.

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What is the shadow Monster in Stranger Things?

The Mind Flayer, aka the Shadow Monster, is the Big Bad Wolf of Stranger Things 2, and it can psychically control people and other monsters. The Demogorgon, also terrifying, was more like a wild animal accidentally let loose in Hawkins. The Mind Flayer returns for Stranger Things 3, but it might not be alone.

Why does the demogorgon want Will?

The theory is that the Demogorgon is actually a warped version of Will Byers who has been corrupted by the Mind Flayer in order to assist in its plans to take over the world. The theory starts with the notion that the Upside Down is not just a parallel dimension, but an actual parallel universe.

Do the Demogorgons eat humans?

The Demogorgon hunted and killed other people and creatures, being particularly lured by blood.

Why was the demogorgon eating an egg?

Considering the Demogorgon was feeding off of the egg, it’s plausible that they’re a source of food for the creature. The flora and fauna are still a mystery in the series so it’s unclear what the monsters live off of within the Upside Down when not snacking on humans.

What does the demogorgon want?

In D&D lore, Demogorgon is a demon prince with two heads that strive to dominate one another but are unable to do so. In mythology, Demogorgon is a god or demon associated with the underworld, and whose name is taboo.

Why did the demogorgon take will?

He then rushed to his house looking for help, but there was no one there. He hid in the shed but the Demogorgon caught him and took him to the Upside Down. Now, some fans believe Will hurt himself enough to bleed even if slightly when he crashed his bike, and that’s why the Demogorgon went after him.

What is in the upside down?

The Upside Down is an alternate dimension existing in parallel to the human world. Most, if not all, flora and fauna present in the dimension are linked together in a hive mind controlled by the Mind Flayer, essentially forming an enormous superorganism.